Decision No. 63SSR signed on April 1, 2024, on the Appointment of the Composition of the Trade Policy Advisory Board
Decision No. 63SSR signed on April 1, 2024, on the Appointment of the Composition of the Trade Policy Advisory Board, chaired by H.E. Prof. Bundit Sapheacha Dr. SOK Siphana, Senior…
Condolence Letter to the families of the wounded soilders in the Explosion Incident in Kampong Speu Province
Condolence Letter from H.E. Prof. Dr. SOK Siphana, Senior Minister in charge of Special Missions and Chairman of the Trade Policy Advisory Board (TPAB) to the families of the sacrificed…
Condolence Letter to the families of the helicopter pilots who have lost their lives in an incident during a training in Pursat
Condolence Letter from H.E. Prof. Bundit Sapheacha Dr. SOK Siphana, Senior Minister in charge of Special Missions and Chairman of the Trade Policy Advisory Board (TPAB) to the families of…
Condolence Letter to the Passing Away of H.E. Kong Sam Ol
Condolence Letter from the Trade Policy Advisory Board (TPAB) to His Excellency Kong Sam Ol, Member of the National Assembly, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Royal Palace, who…